Climate change and greener living is more and more talked about each day. Many people are looking for ways to live more green. As a result, many drivers have adapted to electrical vehicles. When buying an electric vehicle, you are not just buying a car, but you are buying a charging station as well. You will need a way to charge your new electrical vehicle. You might ask, does an electric vehicle charger require a professional installation service? Peterkin Electric will share how electric vehicle chargers are installed and why you should seek a professional electrical service.
Types of Electric Car Charging Stations
When buying an electric vehicle, you will also be investing in a charging station. An electric vehicle charging station generally comes in two different levels of voltage. There is a level 1 that uses a standard 120 volts while the level 2 station uses 240 volts.
• Level 1 Electric Vehicle Chargers – The level 1 doesn’t require any additional installation. A level 1 comes with all of the plug-ins that outfit any 120 volt outlet. Many people will often get the level 1 because there is no other installation needed to charge their new vehicle. Level 1 is considered faster and more cost effective.
• Level 2 Electric Vehicle Chargers – A level 2 charging station use 240 volts. As a result, the vehicle will charge much faster. For those who have a busy day and don’t want to be homebound because their vehicle is not done charging, the installation of a level 2 charging station is well worth the investment.
Professional EV Charging Station Installation
When installing a level 2 charging station at your home, know that it will require professional assistance. You will first need to upgrade a dedicated circuit for your level 2 charging station. As the free outlet in a home only provides 120 volts, they are inadequate for a level 2 charging station. This means you will need to run a 240 volt circuit just for the electric vehicle charging station. You can either use an existing circuit or have a new circuit added to your electrical system. Either way, a 4 strand cable, also known as a double-pole, is attached to the circuit breaker. The cable may attach to two 120 breakers to pull out the needs of 240 volts if necessary.
EV Outlet Electrical Panel Upgrade
When investing in a new circuit for a level 2 charging station, at times the homeowner will need to upgrade the electrical panel to accommodate the compatible interfaces. When installing a dedicated circuit for the level 2 charging station, the result will require an electrical panel upgrade. In this case you will want to have an expert electrician. Not only does this ensure the charging station gets the power it needs, it is important that the work is done properly. DIY installations often puts the home at risk. A professional can install the new circuit and panel safely to ensure a safe and a reliable charging station.
Electric Car Charging Station Installation, Electrical Panel Upgrades & More in Laguna Woods, Santa Ana, Newport Beach, Huntington Beach, Laguna Beach, Aliso Viejo, Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley, Irvine, Lake Forest & Orange County, California
For those who want a faster and more reliable charging station for their electric vehicle, dealers will advocate a level 2 charging station. If you need an electric vehicle level 2 charging station installed in your home, contact Peterkin Electric today.