Many people don’t realize how much they rely on their electrical system until they experience a power outage. Several tasks that are simply part of your daily life rely on electricity to get the task done. With appliances getting smarter and smarter, we are relying on them more and more to make our lives easier. Some of these appliances may need to be wired on their own circuit to perform properly. Peterkin Electric is here to talk about dedicated circuits and which appliances usually need to be on them.
How Dedicated Circuits Work
For appliances that use a lot of energy to operate, they may be wired on a dedicated circuit. This means that the appliance this circuit powers is the only one on that circuit. It will have its own slot in your breaker box. This helps to improve the functionality and the safety of that appliance. This is usually only done for appliances that draw a large amount of power as they power on.
Benefits of a Dedicated Circuit for Your Appliances
While having a dedicated circuit for your appliances is a lot of work and extra effort, you may see that the benefits will make up for it. It will help your appliances work without any hesitation and is also a nice safety measure. Some of the things you can avoid with dedicated circuits include;
– Tripped Breakers
– Risk of Home Fires
– Damage to Appliances
– Flickering Lights
– Risk of Electric Shock
What Appliances Need a Dedicated Circuit?
You may be wondering which appliances in your home require a dedicated circuit. Generally, if you have an appliance that is fixed and will not be moving anywhere else once it is installed; it needs to have a dedicated circuit. This includes large appliances like:
– Refrigerators
– Stove/Oven
– Hot Water Heaters
– Heating & Cooling Systems
– Freezers
– Microwaves
Devices that Use the Most Electricity
Have you ever had the lights flicker on and off again when you start using an electronic or other electrical item? If there is a time that you turn something on and you see it temporarily seem to suck the power out of the rest of your home, it may need to have a dedicated circuit to run. Because these are smaller items, you would need a “general use” dedicated circuit that these smaller items can be plugged in to for safe operation. This could include:
– Hair Dryers
– Window Air Conditioning Units
– Toasters
– Space Heaters
– & More
Electrical Inspections & More in Laguna Woods, Santa Ana, Newport Beach, Huntington Beach, Laguna Beach, Aliso Viejo, Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley, Irvine, Lake Forest & Orange County, California
If you aren’t sure if your appliances have a dedicated circuit, you may want to have your electrical system inspected by the professionals at Peterkin Electric. We will be able to help you get your home up to NEC code so that you and those that you love are safe from risk of electric shock and even electrical fires. Call us today!